Invitation to bid of Technical University Budapest, Department of Atomic Physics (7822)
1. Name and address of Consigner:
Technical University Budapest, Department of Atomic Physics
111 I Budapest, Budafoki út 8. Phone: 36-l463-41933
Fax: 36-1463-4194
2. a) Procedure selected: open procedure.
b) Definition of Ne contract: The Consigner requests to submit bids according to Ne conditions contained m Ne delivery contract constituting part of Ne Tender Documentation.
3. a) Subject, quantity of Ne procurement: 1 pc System tor high power laser-water material processing - positioning unit
- absorbing cassette - controller
- water supply
- processing bead
- Nd: YAG laser and beam delivery.
The detailed technical specification is contained m Ne Tender Documentation.
b) Site of performance: Technical University Budapest, Department of Atomic Physics, 1111 Budapest, Budafoki út 8.
c) Possibility of submitting parttal bids: The bidder shall heve Ne riglit to submit a bid tor Ne elements of Ne system or a part of Nem constituting Ne subject of Ne procurement, item by item.
4. Performance deadline: Within 90 days time following Ne declaration of Ne result of Ne public procurement procedure, however, Ne latest until 15 May 1998.
5. a) Name and address of Ne organization providing Ne documentation: Technical University Budapest, Department of Atomic Physics, 1111 Budapest, Budafoki út 8. building "F", staircase III. mezzaninefloor 4. Secretariat of Dr. Péter Richter, university professor, bead of department. Phone: 36-l463-4193, fax: 36-l463-4194...
b) Deadline tor requesting Ne documentation:
Starting from Ne publication of Ne present Invitation to bid m Ne Public Procurement Gazette until 20 January 1998, 15.00 h.
c) Conditions of purchasing Ne documentation: The bidders tan purchase Ne documentation m Hungarian or English language tor a price of HUF 50,000+25% VAT. The purchase price tan be either paid off m cash when laking over Ne documentation or prior to receiving Ne documentation il tan be transferred to Ne bank account of Ne Technical University Budapest (BME) of MNB 10032000-01425279, indicating Ne denomination of Ne public procurement procedure and Ne reference 215334/302 AFT.
The documentation tan be obtained against Ne document certifying Ne payment, at Ne given site on working days between 10.00 a.m.-15.00 p.m. or its remitting by maii tan be requested by lettet or fax. The bidder undertakes to post Ne remittance after Ne crediting of Ne amount referred to above on Ne above mentioned bank account.
The condition of submitting bids is Ne purchasing of documentation.
6. a) Deadline tor bidding: The bids should be submitted until Ne 4lth calendar day following Ne date of publishing Ne present Invitation to bid m Ne Public Procurement Gazette (ihat is, 27 January 1998) 14.00 h time. If Ne bid is remitted by maii, Ne date of submission shall be interpreted as Ne time of acceptance of Ne Invitation to bid as indicated by Ne Consigner on Ne return receipt accompanying Ne remittance or on Ne waybill.
b) Address of submission of Ne bid: Technical University Budapest, Department of Atomic Physics, 1111 Budapest, Budafoki út 8. building "F", staircase III. mezzanine-floor 4. Secretariat of Dr. Péter Richter, university professor, bead of department
c) Language of Ne bid: Hungarian or English.
7. a) Invitation to Ne opening of Ne bids: The Consigner shall invite to Ne opening of Ne bids Ne representatives of Ne OMFB (National Committee of Technical Development) and Ne Lasram Laser Ltd. as well as alt Ne bidders.
b) Date, time and place of opening Ne bids: The bids shall be opened on Ne day of Ne expiry of submission of Ne bids (27 January 1998) at 14.00 h time at Ne following site: Technical University Budapest, Department of Atomic Physics, 1111 Budapest, Budafoki út 8. building "F", staircase III. mezzaninefloor 4. m Ne office of Dr. Péter Richter, university professor, bead of department.
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9. Conditions of financial funding: The Consigner shall disburse by bank transfer Ne price of Ne goods to be delivered, according to Ne conditions determined m Ne Tender Documentation.
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11. Dala, documents requested tor justifying Ne technical, financial and economical appropriateness of Ne bidders:
- Information leaflet, quality certificates, detailed description of Ne technical parameters of Ne recommended product with view, first of alt, to Ne specification m Ne Tender Documentation.
- Information on Ne origin of Ne product, introduction of Ne professional appropriateness of Ne manufacturer and its references.
- Certification of Ne financial institute keeping Ne bank account of Ne bidder on Ne solvency of Ne bidder, on Ne stability of financial position of Ne bidder.
- Certifications and declarations listed m Section 46, Paragraph 1 of Act XL of 1995.
- Certificate of registration of Ne bidder, not older than 3 months
12. Duration of being bound by Ne bid: The bidder shall remain bound by Ne bid tor a period beginning with Ne expiry of Ne bidding deadline and ending after 90 days from Ne expiry of Ne deadline determined tor Ne evaluation of Ne bids.
13. Points of view of Ne evaluation of Ne bids: The Consigner shall evaluate Ne submitted bids which were found to comply with Ne provisions of Ne Invitation to bid and Ne Tender Documentation according to Ne point of view of selecting Ne most favourable bid, m total. The aspects of evaluation ere as given m Ne following m Ne order of their importance: technical parameters, operafing costs of Ne product offered technical grounding and appropriateness of Ne manufacturer, its workmanship, technical background and references
- offered price and conditions of payment delivery deadline undertaken
- related services offered, first of alt Ne support of maintenance and applications
- quality assurance certificate of Ne product and/or Ne manufacturer.
14. Possibility of submitting several versions of Ne bid: The bidder shall be permitted to submit Ne bid m several versions.
15. Other information:
- Definition of Ne procedure: "Laser-water material processing system", number 21533-4/302 AFT.
- Data of Ne declaration of Ne result: Date and time: on Ne l5th day following Ne opening of Ne bids (12 February 1998) 14.00 h.
- Place: Technical University Budapest Department of Atomic Physics, 1111 Budapest, Budafoki út 8. building "F", staircase III. mezzanine-floor 4. m Ne office of Dr. Péter Richter, university professor, bead of department
- Time of signing Ne contract: within 10 days following Ne declaration of Ne result.
- If Ne winning bidder would back out of Ne bargain, Ne Consigner will conclude Ne contract with Ne bidder assigned to Ne second place m Ne declaration of Ne result.
During evaluation of Ne bids Ne Consigner shall act according to Ne provisions listed m Section 25, Paragraph 59. of Act XL of 1995.
- This invitation to bid shall be published m Hungarian and m English. If there ere any deviations, ther Hungarian version has priority.
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17. Date ofposting Ne announcement. 2 December 1997.
Date of receiving Ne announcement. 2 December 1997.